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TOI Foundation

Each year the TOI Foundation has supported the rescue helicopter service with operational funding, providing the Trust with funds towards keep the service in the air and available for everyone in the community.


TET (Taranaki Electricity Trust) provides a very significant amount of funding each year towards operational requirements such as helicopter maintenance, mechanical and equipment upgrades and other critical operational components.


Supporting the community with funding from their gaming venues is the role and purpose of NZCT.  TRHT is very appreciative of NZCT’s significant contributions towards operational expenses.

Principal Funders


Being socially responsible of the community it operates in is what drives Methanex to sponsor the rescue helicopter. With an injection of funding every year the partnership is mutually beneficial, promoting health, wellbeing and safety to both organisations.

Associate Sponsor

Vehicle Sponsors


Our Sponsors

The Taranaki Rescue Helicopter Trust is enormously proud of its family of sponsors, many of whom have been supporting the Trust for its entire lifetime. Without sponsors the organisation would not be able to operate, it simple wouldn’t have enough funding to do so.

On behalf of the thousands of lives that have been saved because there was a rescue helicopter, we thank each and every one of you.

Supply Partners

Taranaki Offshore Partnership

TOP's sponsorship is specifically for the Rescue Winch, which is critical during missions where the helicopter cannot land.

This incredibly important piece of equipment is now known as the 'Taranaki Offshore Partnership Winch'.

Rescue Winch Sponsor

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